var initStoreLocator; var d = new Date(); var geocoder; var street; var placeholdersearch = ''; var initTheMap = ''; var _map; var lastid=''; var defualtLatLong; var calltodefualt=false; var contact_us_email; if(wmpl_ssf_lang == null || wmpl_ssf_lang == undefined){ var wmpl_ssf_lang='en'; } if(markerCategory!=undefined && markerCategory==true) { var mc; var mcOptions; var map; var markersc = new Array(); } if(ssf_distance_limit==undefined || ssf_distance_limit=='') { var ssf_distance_limit=30; } jQuery(function() { if(document.getElementById('storeLocator__searchBar')!=null){ placeholdersearch = document.getElementById('storeLocator__searchBar').placeholder; } else { return; } var baseURL = FE.baseURL, urls = { pathToJS : ssf_wp_base+'/js/', pathToIcons : ssf_wp_uploads_base+'/images/icons/', pathToXML : baseURL + '', pins : { regular : custom_marker, active : custom_marker_active, skeuomorph : 'youarehere.png' } }, map = { el : document.getElementById('storeLocatorMap'), infobox : { el : document.getElementById('storeLocatorInfobox') }, status : { $el : jQuery('#storeLocator__mapStatus'), $label : jQuery('#storeLocator__mapStatus__inner'), $closer : jQuery('#storeLocator__mapStatus__closer'), messages : { loadingGoogleMap : ssf_wp_loadingGoogleMap, loadingGoogleMapUtilities : ssf_wp_loadingGoogleMapUtilities, startSearch : ssf_wp_startSearch, gettingUserLocation : ssf_wp_gettingUserLocation, lookingForNearbyStores : ssf_wp_lookingForNearbyStores, lookingForStoresNearLocation : ssf_wp_lookingForStoresNearLocation, filteringStores : ssf_wp_filteringStores, cantLocateUser : ssf_wp_cantLocateUser, notAllowedUserLocation : ssf_wp_notAllowedUserLocation, noStoresNearSearchLocation : ssf_wp_noStoresNearSearchLocation, noStoresNearUser : ssf_wp_noStoresNearUser, noStoresFromFilter : ssf_wp_noStoresFromFilter, cantGetStoresInfo : ssf_wp_cantGetStoresInfo, noStoresFoundNearUser : ssf_noStoresFound, noStoresFound : ssf_noStoresFound, storesFound : ssf_storesFound, generalError : ssf_generalError }, duration : 5000 } }, autocompleter = { el : document.getElementById('storeLocator__searchBar'), placeholderMediumUp : placeholdersearch, placeholderSmallDown : placeholdersearch }, geolocator = { $el : jQuery('#geolocator'), currentState : 'neutral', states : { NEUTRAL : 'neutral', RUNNING : 'running' } }, $els = { map : jQuery('#storeLocatorMap'), storeList : jQuery('#storeLocator__storeList'), topHalf : jQuery('#storeLocator__topHalf'), currentStoreCount : jQuery('#storeLocator__currentStoreCount'), totalStoreCount : jQuery('#storeLocator__totalStoreCount'), storeLocatorInfoBox : { self : jQuery('#storeLocatorInfobox'), init : function() { this.storeimage = this.self.find('.store-image'); this.location = this.self.find('.store-location'); this.address = this.self.find('.store-address'); = this.self.find('.store-website'); this.exturl = this.self.find('.store-exturl'); this.embedvideo = this.self.find('.store-embedvideo'); this.defaultmedia = this.self.find('.store-defaultmedia'); = this.self.find('.store-email'); this.contactus = this.self.find('.store-contactus'); this.telephone = this.self.find('.store-tel'); this.fax = this.self.find('.store-fax'); this.description = this.self.find('.store-description'); this.operatingHours = this.self.find('.store-operating-hours'); this.productsServices = this.self.find('.store-products-services'); this.directions = this.self.find('.infobox__cta'); this.streetview = this.self.find('.infobox__stv'); this.custmmarker = this.self.find('.store-custom-marker'); = this.self.find('.store-zip'); this.state = this.self.find('.store-state'); } }, mobileStoreLocatorInfobox : { self : jQuery('#mobileStoreLocatorInfobox'), init : function() { this.storeimage = this.self.find('.store-image'); this.location = this.self.find('.store-location'); this.address = this.self.find('.store-address'); = this.self.find('.store-website'); this.exturl = this.self.find('.store-exturl'); this.embedvideo = this.self.find('.store-embedvideo'); this.defaultmedia = this.self.find('.store-defaultmedia'); = this.self.find('.store-email'); this.contactus = this.self.find('.store-contactus'); this.telephone = this.self.find('.store-tel'); this.fax = this.self.find('.store-fax'); this.description = this.self.find('.store-description'); this.operatingHours = this.self.find('.store-operating-hours'); this.productsServices = this.self.find('.store-products-services'); this.directions = this.self.find('.infobox__cta'); this.streetview = this.self.find('.infobox__stv'); this.custmmarker = this.self.find('.store-custom-marker'); = this.self.find('.store-zip'); this.state = this.self.find('.store-state'); } }, filters : { init : function() { this.states = jQuery('#filter__states').find('input[name="storesState"]'); this.outletTypes = jQuery('#filter__outlets').find('input[name="storesOutletType"]'); this.productsServices = jQuery('#filter__services').find('input[name="storesProductsServices"]'); return this; } } }, legend, xml = { filename : ssf_wp_base+'/ssf-wp-xml.php?wpml_lang='+wmpl_ssf_lang+'&t='+d.getTime() }, isLocal = (window.location.hostname === '' || window.location.hostname === 'localhost'), isLargeScreen = true, isMediumScreen = true; setupMapStatus(); /*---- Filter togglers ----*/ var $filterTogglers = jQuery('.filter__toggler'), $filterTogglerContents = jQuery('.filter__toggler-contents'); $filterTogglers.togglerify({ singleActive: true, slide: true, content: function(index) { return $filterTogglerContents.eq(index); } }); FE.watchSize('large', function(isLargeScreen) { var settings = (isLargeScreen) ? [true, 'toggleOff', 'activate'] : [false, 'toggleOn', 'deactivate']; $filterTogglers .togglerify('set', 'singleActive', settings[0]) .togglerify(settings[1], { noSlide : true }) .togglerify(settings[2]); if(placeholdersearch != ''){ autocompleter.el.placeholder = (isLargeScreen) ? autocompleter.placeholderMediumUp : autocompleter.placeholderSmallDown; } }); /*---- Filter popup ----*/ var $storeLocatorFilterToggler = jQuery('#storeLocatorFilterToggler'), $filterPanel = $els.topHalf.find('.filter-radio'); $'filter-popup', { reveal : function() { jQuery('body').addClass('filter-popup-is-shown'); }, conceal : function() { jQuery('body').removeClass('filter-popup-is-shown'); } }); $filterPanel.find('[data-close-popup]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $'filter-popup').conceal(); }); $storeLocatorFilterToggler.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $'filter-popup').reveal(); }); /*---- Store Locator functions ----*/ map.status.notify({ message : 'loadingGoogleMap', loadingIndicator : true }); var googleApi = ''; if(google_api_key!='' && google_api_key!='undefined'){ googleApi='key='+google_api_key+'&'; } jQuery.getScript(''+googleApi+'sensor=false&libraries=places&v=3.15&language='+ssf_m_lang+'®ion='+ssf_m_rgn+'&callback=initStoreLocator'); initStoreLocator = function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'loadingGoogleMapUtilities', loadingIndicator : true }); jQuery.getScript(ssf_wp_base +'/js/plugins/google-maps-utility-library/marker-with-label.packed.js', onLoad); jQuery.getScript(ssf_wp_base +'/js/plugins/google-maps-utility-library/infobox.packed.js', onLoad); var loadCounter = 0; function onLoad() { loadCounter++; if(loadCounter < 2) return; map.status.notify({ message: 'startSearch', autoclose: true }); /*---- Setup variables ----*/ jQuery.extend(true, map, { markers : { user : {}, stores : { list : [] } } }); /* Setup infobox variables */ $els.storeLocatorInfoBox.init(); $els.mobileStoreLocatorInfobox.init(); setupMediaQueries(); setupGeolocator(); setupAutocompleter(); setupEventHandlers(); /*---- Setup XML ----*/ if(typeof === 'undefined') { jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: urls.pathToXML + xml.filename, dataType: "xml", success: function(data) { = data; continueInit(); } }); } else { continueInit(); } function continueInit() { /*---- Setup legend ----*/ legend = {}; var radiosStrArray = []; jQuery('label').each(function() { var tag = jQuery(this).find('tag').text().trim(); var copy = jQuery(this).find('copy').text().trim(); legend[tag] = copy; radiosStrArray.push([ '' ].join('')); }); jQuery('#productsServicesFilterOptions').append(radiosStrArray.join('')); if(ssf_default_category!='' && ssf_default_category!=undefined) { jQuery(function() { setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('input[value='+ssf_default_category+']').trigger('click'); jQuery('#filter__services .filter__toggler').trigger('click'); },3000); }); } $els.filters.init().productsServices.inputify(); /*---- Setup store count ----*/ $els.totalStoreCount.text(jQuery('item').length); startMap(); } } function startMap() { jQuery('#ssf-overlay').css('display','none'); jQuery('#ssf-dummy-blck').css('display','none'); jQuery('#ssf-preloader').css('display','none'); jQuery('#store-locator-section-bg').css('display','block'); jQuery('#mainPopupContat').css('display','block'); jQuery('#mainPopupHolder').css('display','block'); jQuery('#storeLocator__topHalf').css('display','block'); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#store-locator-section-bg').addClass('store-locator-section-bg'); }, 1000); var defaultLatLng; if(default_location!='' && default_location!==undefined && ssf_wp_map_settings=='geo'){ geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( {'address':default_location,'region':''}, function(results, status) { if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { defaultLatLng = results[0].geometry.location; loadDefaultMap(defaultLatLng); } }); }else{ defaultLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(40.705, -74.0139); loadDefaultMap(defaultLatLng); } } function loadDefaultMap(defaultLatLng){ defualtLatLong=defaultLatLng; var scrollset = false; if(map_mouse_scroll==1){ scrollset = true; } var mobile_gesture; if(ssf_mobile_gesture=='true'){ mobile_gesture='cooperative'; }else{ mobile_gesture='false'; } mapWithStyle = { center: defaultLatLng, styles:ssf_wp_map_code, streetViewControl: true, streetViewControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP }, zoom: init_zoom, zoomControl: true, gestureHandling: mobile_gesture, zoomControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP }, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, scrollwheel: scrollset }; mapWithoutStyle = { center: defaultLatLng, streetViewControl: true, streetViewControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP }, zoom: init_zoom, zoomControl: true, gestureHandling: mobile_gesture, zoomControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP }, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, scrollwheel: scrollset }; if(ssf_wp_map_code!="" && ssf_wp_map_code!=undefined) { map.self = new google.maps.Map(map.el, mapWithStyle); } else { map.self = new google.maps.Map(map.el, mapWithoutStyle); } map.infobox.self = new InfoBox({ content: map.infobox.el, pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(35, -240), closeBoxMargin: "10px 10px 0 0", closeBoxURL: ssf_wp_base+"/images/icons/cross-white.png" }); $els.storeLocatorInfoBox.self.find('.infobox__closer').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); map.infobox.self.close(); });; } function setupGeolocator() { jQuery.extend(true, geolocator, { watch : function() { var self = this; self.currentState = self.states.RUNNING; map.status.notify({ message: 'gettingUserLocation', loadingIndicator: true }); self.$el.addClass('is-loading'); if(initTheMap=='' && ssf_wp_map_settings=='showall'){ searchForStores({productsServices : ssf_default_category}); } else if(initTheMap=='' && default_location!='' && ssf_wp_map_settings=='specific'){ jQuery('input#storeLocator__searchBar').val(default_location); jQuery('.icon--search').trigger('click'); } else { map.watcher = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition( /* Geolocation is successful */ function(position) { if(self.currentState !== self.states.RUNNING) return;; calltodefualt==true; var coordinates = position.coords, userLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(coordinates.latitude, coordinates.longitude); setMainMapMarker(userLatLng, 'Your current location'); map.status.notify({ message : 'lookingForNearbyStores', loadingIndicator : true }); /* Category filter*/ var categories=multicategoryVal(); if(typeof categories!=='undefined' && categories!=''){ categories=categories; }else{ categories=ssf_default_category; } searchForStores({ latLng : userLatLng, distance : ssf_distance_limit, productsServices : categories, centerOnUser : true, onError : function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'noStoresNearUser', closeable : true }); } }); }, /* Geolocation has failed */ function(error) { if(self.currentState !== self.states.RUNNING) return;; switch(error.code) { case error.TIMEOUT: map.status.notify({ message : 'cantLocateUser', closeable : true }); break; default: locationNotAvailable(); break; } }, /* Geolocation settings */ { enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 30000, timeout: 15000 /* 15 seconds */ } ); } initTheMap='1'; setTimeout(function() { navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(map.watcher); }, 20000) /** * For cases like Firefox where if user chooses to temporarily deny * permission to their location (by choosing "Not Now"), the geolocation * function will NOT trigger any callback. * * This timeout is to make sure that something WILL happen after a * specific amount of time, and we will be assuming that the geolocation * has failed. **/ geolocator.timer = setTimeout(function() { /* hideMapFeedback(); */ if(ssf_wp_map_settings=='geo' && calltodefualt==false){ defaultLocationStore(); }; locationNotAvailable(); }, 20000); }, rest : function() { if(!navigator.geolocation) return; geolocator.currentState = geolocator.states.NEUTRAL; navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(map.watcher); clearTimeout(geolocator.timer); geolocator.$el.removeClass('is-loading'); } }); } function defaultLocationStore(){ searchForStores({ latLng : defualtLatLong, distance : ssf_distance_limit, productsServices : ssf_default_category, centerOnUser : true, onError : function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'noStoresNearUser', closeable : true }); } }); } var multicategoryVal =function(){ var categories; if (jQuery('input#storesProductsServices').is(':checked')) { categories=jQuery('#storesProductsServices').val(); } else{ var $langSelect = jQuery("input[type=checkbox][name='storesProductsServices']:checked"); if ($langSelect.length) { categories = ${ return this.value; }).get(); } else { categories=''; } } return categories; } function setupMediaQueries() { FE.watchSize('large', function(mq) { isLargeScreen = mq; if(typeof map.markers.stores.current === 'undefined' || map.markers.stores.current === null) { return; } if(isLargeScreen) {, map.markers.stores.current); } }); FE.watchSize('medium', function(mq) { isMediumScreen = mq; if(typeof map.markers.stores.current === 'undefined' || map.markers.stores.current === null) { return; } if(isMediumScreen) {, map.markers.stores.current); } else { setMapCenter(map.markers.stores.current.position); map.infobox.self.close(); } }); } function setupAutocompleter() { if(ssf_defualt_region=='false'){ var _autocompleter = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(autocompleter.el, { componentRestrictions: {'country': ssf_m_rgn} }); }else{ var _autocompleter = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(autocompleter.el, { }); } google.maps.event.addListener(_autocompleter, 'place_changed', function() { jQuery('div[title="Exit Street View"]').trigger('click'); var searchPlace = jQuery('#storeLocator__searchBar').val(); if(searchPlace!=''){ geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( {'address':searchPlace+', '+ssf_m_rgn}, function(results, status) { if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { placeLocation = results[0].geometry.location; setMainMapMarker(placeLocation, 'Your search location: ' + searchPlace); var categories=multicategoryVal(); if(typeof categories!=='undefined' && categories!=''){ categories=categories; }else{ categories=ssf_default_category; } searchForStores({ latLng : placeLocation, distance : ssf_distance_limit, productsServices : categories, centerOnUser : true, onError : function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'noStoresNearSearchLocation', closeable : true }); } }); } else { } }); } }); jQuery( ".icon--search" ).click(function() { jQuery('div[title="Exit Street View"]').trigger('click'); var searchPlace = jQuery('#storeLocator__searchBar').val(); if(searchPlace!=''){ geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( {'address':searchPlace+', '+ssf_m_rgn}, function(results, status) { if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { placeLocation = results[0].geometry.location; setMainMapMarker(placeLocation, 'Your search location: ' + searchPlace); var categories=multicategoryVal(); if(typeof categories!=='undefined' && categories!=''){ categories=categories; }else{ categories=ssf_default_category; } searchForStores({ latLng : placeLocation, distance : ssf_distance_limit, productsServices : categories, centerOnUser : true, onError : function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'noStoresNearSearchLocation', closeable : true }); } }); } else { } }); } }); jQuery( "input[name='storesRegion']" ).click(function() { jQuery('div[title="Exit Street View"]').trigger('click'); var searchPlace = jQuery("input[name=storesRegion]:checked").val() jQuery('input#storeLocator__searchBar').val(searchPlace); if(searchPlace!=''){ geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( {'address':searchPlace,'region':ssf_m_rgn}, function(results, status) { if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { placeLocation = results[0].geometry.location; setMainMapMarker(placeLocation, 'Your search location: ' + searchPlace); var categories=multicategoryVal(); searchForStores({ latLng : placeLocation, distance : ssf_distance_limit, productsServices : categories, centerOnUser : true, onError : function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'noStoresNearSearchLocation', closeable : true }); } }); } else { } }); } }); /* * FastClick and Google Map's Autocomplete have a conflict with each * other: FastClick prevents touchscreen from being able to select * the Autocomplete options. To fix this, whenever Autocomplete * inserts its results into the DOM, we need to add the `needsclick` * class to it. * * */ jQuery(document).on({ 'DOMNodeInserted': function() { jQuery('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick'); } }, '.pac-container'); } function setupEventHandlers() { /* Geolocator */ geolocator.$el.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('div[title="Exit Street View"]').trigger('click'); if(!jQuery(this).hasClass('is-loading')) {; } }); /* Filter options clearer */ jQuery('#filterOptionsClearer').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('.icon--radio-btn').removeClass('is-checked'); jQuery.each($els.filters, function(key, value) { if(typeof value !== 'object' || !value instanceof jQuery) return; value.prop('checked', false).inputify('refresh'); }); }); jQuery('#filterShowAll').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#storesProductsServices').trigger('click'); searchForStores(); }); /* Filter category */ jQuery('#storesProductsServices').change(function(){ if(this.checked) jQuery(".icon--checkbox").addClass("is-checked"); else jQuery(".icon--checkbox").removeClass("is-checked"); }); /* Filter applier */ jQuery('#applyFilterOptions').on('click', function(e) { var categories=multicategoryVal(); var filterProps = { latLng : (map.markers.user.self) ? map.markers.user.self.position : undefined, state : $els.filters.states.filter(':checked').val(), outletType : $els.filters.outletTypes.filter(':checked').val(), productsServices : categories, onError : function() { map.status.notify({ message : 'noStoresFromFilter', closeable : true }); } }; if(typeof filterProps.state === 'undefined') { jQuery.extend(filterProps, { distance : ssf_distance_limit, centerOnUser : true }); } searchForStores(filterProps); }); /* Mobile infobox closer */ $els.mobileStoreLocatorInfobox.self.find('.infobox__closer').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $els.mobileStoreLocatorInfobox.self.removeClass('is-shown'); }); /* Store List */ $els.storeList.on('click', '.store-locator__infobox', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); setCurrentStoreDetails(jQuery(this)); }); /* Map Status Response */ map.status.$closer.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); map.status.conceal(); }); /* Get Directions */ $els.storeList.on('click', 'a', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } function makeStoreDetailsString($storeXMLElem, index, useLabel) { var _store = { lat : getText($storeXMLElem.find('latitude')), lng : getText($storeXMLElem.find('longitude')), storeimage : getText($storeXMLElem.find('storeimage')), custmmarker : getText($storeXMLElem.find('custmmarker')), location : getText($storeXMLElem.find('location')), address : getText($storeXMLElem.find('address')), website : getText($storeXMLElem.find('website')), exturl : getText($storeXMLElem.find('exturl')), embedvideo : getText($storeXMLElem.find('embedvideo')), defaultmedia : getText($storeXMLElem.find('defaultmedia')), email : getText($storeXMLElem.find('email')), contactus : getText($storeXMLElem.find('contactus')), telephone : getText($storeXMLElem.find('telephone')), fax : getText($storeXMLElem.find('fax')), description : getText($storeXMLElem.find('description')), operatingHours : getText($storeXMLElem.find('operatingHours')), zip : getText($storeXMLElem.find('zip')), state : getText($storeXMLElem.find('state')) }, letter = '', clearClass = '', getDirections = '
'; getStreetView = '
'; if( && _store.lng) { letter = translateIntoLetter(index); getDirections = [ '', ssf_wp_direction_label, '' ].join(''); getStreetView = [ '', ssf_wp_streetview_label, '' ].join(''); } if(index !== 0 && index % 3 === 0) { clearClass += ' medium-clear-left'; } var ext_url; var ext_url_link; if(_store.exturl!='' && _store.exturl!=undefined) { ext_url="
"+ ssf_wp_ext_url_label +"
"; } else{ ext_url=''; } var ssf_image_video=''; var ssf_image_image=''; if(ssf_show_image_list=='showboth' && _store.defaultmedia=='video' && _store.embedvideo!='') { ssf_image_video=base64.decode(_store.embedvideo); } else if(ssf_show_image_list=='showboth' && _store.defaultmedia!='video') { ssf_image_image=(_store.storeimage!='')? _store.storeimage:ssf_wp_base+'/images/NoImage.png'; } if(ssf_tel_fax_link=='true'){ if(_store.telephone!=''){ _store.telephone=''+ _store.telephone+''; } if(_store.fax!=''){ _store.fax=''+ _store.fax+''; } } return [ '
', '
', '
', '
', letter, '
', '
', '
', '
', ssf_image_video, '
', '', '
', _store.location, '
', '
', _store.address, '
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
', getDirections, '
', getStreetView, '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); } function makeStoreProductsServicesString($storeXMLElem) { var servicesStrArr = []; jQuery.each(legend, function(tag, copy) { var $service = $storeXMLElem.find(tag); if(!$service.length) return; var serviceBoolStr = $service.text().trim(); if(serviceBoolStr !== 'true') return; servicesStrArr.push([ '
  • ', copy, '
  • ' ].join('')); }); return servicesStrArr.join(''); } /** * Possible properties for the `settings` Object Literal to be passed * into searchForStores(): settings = { latLng : (Object), state : (String), outletTypes : (String), productsServices : (String), centerOnUser : (Boolean), distance : (Number) } * All properties can be included/excluded as needed. **/ function searchForStores(settings) { settings = settings || {}; _map = map.self; if(ssf_wp_map_code!="" && ssf_wp_map_code!=undefined) { _map.setOptions({styles: ssf_wp_map_code}); } else { if(style_map_color!=""){ var styles = [ { stylers: [ { hue: style_map_color }, { saturation: 0 }, { lightness: 50 }, { gamma: 1 }, ] } ]; _map.setOptions({styles: styles}); } }; map.infobox.self.close(); $els.topHalf.addClass('has-searched'); /* Only run the AJAX if there's no cached data */ if(typeof === 'undefined') { jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: xml.url, dataType: "xml", success: function(data) { = data; addStores(); }, error : function() { hideMapFeedback(); showStatusFeedback(messages.cantGetStoresInfo); } }); } else { addStores(); } function addStores() { var targetItems, storesXMLArray = []; /** * We're about to add in the new search results, so have to reset * a few things to get a (relatively) blank slate. **/ if(markerCategory!=undefined && markerCategory==true) { if(mc!=undefined) { mc.setMap(null); } markersc = []; } jQuery('#page_navigation').html(''); map.markers.stores.current = null; while(map.markers.stores.list.length) { map.markers.stores.list.shift().setMap(null); } $els.mobileStoreLocatorInfobox.self.removeClass('is-shown'); //hideCurrentStore(); /* If a state is provided, then narrow down the stores to that state. */ if(typeof settings.state === 'string' && settings.state !== 'default') { targetItems = jQuery('item'); } else { targetItems = jQuery('item'); } targetItems.each(function(indexs) { var $thisStore = jQuery(this), storeLatNode = $thisStore.find('latitude'), storeLngNode = $thisStore.find('longitude'), storeMrkNode = $thisStore.find('custmmarker').text().trim(), storeLatLng = 'nope', storeDistance = 'nope'; /* Only proceed if complete coordinates are available */ if(storeLatNode.length && storeLngNode.length) { /** * Calculate distance. Needed to sort from nearest to furthest * later in the function. **/ storeLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(storeLatNode.text()), parseFloat(storeLngNode.text())); storeDistance = (typeof settings.latLng === 'undefined') ? 0 : distHaversine(settings.latLng, storeLatLng); /** * If a set distance is provided, check and make sure it's not * further than that. Otherwise, exit this iteration. **/ if(typeof settings.distance === 'number' && storeDistance > settings.distance) { return; } } else if(!settings.state || !$thisStore.parent().is(jQuery.trim(settings.state))) { return; } /** * If an outlet type is provided, check and make sure it * matches. Otherwise, exit this iteration. **/ if(typeof settings.outletType === 'string' && settings.outletType !== 'default' && $thisStore.find('shopType').text() !== settings.outletType) { return; } /** * If a type of product/service is provided, check and * make sure it matches. Otherwise, exit this iteration. **/ if(settings.productsServices !==undefined && settings.productsServices !== 'default' && settings.productsServices !== '') { var found=1; if(settings.productsServices.constructor === Array) { for (var x in settings.productsServices){ if($thisStore.find(settings.productsServices[x]).text() == 'true') { found=0; } } if(found!=0) { return; } } else if($thisStore.find(settings.productsServices).text() !== 'true'){ return; } } /** * If we've made it this far, means it's okay to add this * store into the arrays to be processed later. **/ if(storeLatLng !== 'nope') { map.markers.stores.list.push({ latLng : storeLatLng, distance : storeDistance, sortord : $thisStore.find('sortord').text().trim(), storeMNode:storeMrkNode, storeLocation : $thisStore.find('location').text().trim() }) } storesXMLArray.push({ '$xml' : $thisStore, sortord : $thisStore.find('sortord').text().trim(), distance : storeDistance }); }); if(!storesXMLArray.length) { var errorMessage = map.status.messages[settings.errorMessage] || settings.errorMessage; if(typeof settings.onError === 'function') settings.onError('noResults'); $els.storeList.html('
    ' + map.status.messages.noStoresFound + '
    '); $els.currentStoreCount.text('0'); return; } /* Update store count */ $els.currentStoreCount.text(storesXMLArray.length); /** * Sort array contents to be from closet to furthest * in distance. **/ if(settings.distance!==undefined && settings.distance!==''){ storesXMLArray.sort(distanceAscendingSorter); map.markers.stores.list.sort(distanceAscendingSorter); } else{ storesXMLArray.sort(sortordAscendingSorter); map.markers.stores.list.sort(sortordAscendingSorter); } var maximumNumberOfLabels = 25, storesStrArr = []; for(var i = 0, ii = storesXMLArray.length; i < ii; i++) { storesStrArr.push(makeStoreDetailsString(storesXMLArray[i].$xml, i)); } /* Populate the list of stores */ $els.storeList.html(storesStrArr.join('')); $els.storeList.heightSyncify({ items : ['.infobox__body'] }); map.status.notify({ message : 'storesFound', autoclose: true }); /* Reset marker bounds */ map.markers.bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); var markerLabelClass, markerLabelContent; for(var j = 0, jj = map.markers.stores.list.length; j < jj; j++) { /** * Only use labelled pins if there are less than 53 markers * to place. We're using 53 as the reference value, because * we have 26 letters in the alphabet, and we differentiate * between upper case and lower case, thus our total options * are 26 * 2 = 52 letters. So the number of labelled * markers cannot be more than 52. **/ if(labeled_marker=='1'){ markerLabelContent = translateIntoLetter(j); } else { markerLabelContent = ''; } if(map.markers.stores.list[j].storeMNode!='') { customMarkersUrl=map.markers.stores.list[j].storeMNode; } else{ customMarkersUrl=urls.pathToIcons + urls.pins.regular; } markerLabelClass = 'store-locator__map-pin'; if(j > maximumNumberOfLabels) { markerLabelClass += ' store-locator__map-pin--small'; } else if(j > maximumNumberOfLabels + 9) { markerLabelClass += ' store-locator__map-pin--xsmall'; } map.markers.bounds.extend(map.markers.stores.list[j].latLng); map.markers.stores.list[j] = new MarkerWithLabel({ position: map.markers.stores.list[j].latLng, map: map.self, title: ssfDecode(map.markers.stores.list[j].storeLocation), icon: customMarkersUrl, zIndex: jj-j, labelContent: markerLabelContent, labelClass: markerLabelClass, originalLabelClass: markerLabelClass, labelInBackground: false }); if(markerCategory!=undefined && markerCategory==true) { markersc.push(map.markers.stores.list[j]); } /** * Later when we adjust the icon to be in its active state, * the z-ndex will be adjusted so it's always on the top. * This property will then be referenced to reset the * z-index back to its original value. **/ map.markers.stores.list[j].originalZIndex = jj-j; (function() { var $targetStore = jQuery('#store' + j); $'storeMarker', map.markers.stores.list[j]); google.maps.event.addListener(map.markers.stores.list[j], 'click', function() { setCurrentStoreDetails($targetStore); }); })(); } if(markerCategory!='undefined' && markerCategory==true) { /* Marker Clusterer */ var clusterStyle = [ { textColor: 'black', url: ssf_wp_uploads_base+'/addons/ssf-marker-cluster-wp/markerclusterer/m1.png', height: 53, width: 52 }, { textColor: 'black', url: ssf_wp_uploads_base+'/addons/ssf-marker-cluster-wp/markerclusterer/m2.png', height: 56, width: 55 }, { textColor: 'black', url: ssf_wp_uploads_base+'/addons/ssf-marker-cluster-wp/markerclusterer/m3.png', height: 66, width: 65 }, { textColor: 'black', url: ssf_wp_uploads_base+'/addons/ssf-marker-cluster-wp/markerclusterer/m4.png', height: 78, width: 77 }, { textColor: 'black', url: ssf_wp_uploads_base+'/addons/ssf-marker-cluster-wp/markerclusterer/m5.png', height: 90, width: 89 } ]; var mcOptions = {styles: clusterStyle, minimumClusterSize : 2}; mc = new MarkerClusterer(_map, markersc, mcOptions); } if(storesXMLArray.length === 1) { setCurrentStoreDetails(jQuery('#store0')); } if(typeof ssf_map_position!== 'undefined' && ssf_map_position=='false'){ map.self.fitBounds(map.markers.bounds); map.self.setZoom(map.self.getZoom()); } else if(settings.centerOnUser) { if(zoom_level=='auto'){ map.self.fitBounds(map.markers.bounds); } if(typeof map.markers.user.self !== 'undefined') { setMapCenter(map.markers.user.self.position, true); } } else { map.self.setCenter(map.markers.bounds.getCenter()); if(zoom_level=='auto'){ map.self.fitBounds(map.markers.bounds); } map.self.setZoom(map.self.getZoom()); } ssf_ifrane_vedio(); if(ssf_pagination>0 && storesXMLArray.length>ssf_pagination){ pagging(ssf_pagination); } if(typeof settings.onSuccess === 'function') settings.onSuccess(); } } var imgToggleS = function(v,v2){ jQuery('div .info-img').css('height','150px'); jQuery('div .info-img').css('background-image','url('+v+')'); jQuery('#storeLocatorInfobox').children('div .info-img').click(function() { showPopup(v,v2); }); //alert(jQuery('div .info-img').css('background-image')); }; var imgToggleH = function(){ jQuery('div .info-img').css('background-image','url("")'); jQuery('#storeLocatorInfobox').children('div .info-img').unbind(); jQuery('div .info-img').css('height','0px'); }; /**.** **** Special Character decode on map title **** **.**/ function ssfDecode(txt){ var sp = document.createElement('span'); sp.innerHTML = txt; return sp.innerHTML.replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""",'"'); } jQuery('#modernBrowserConatct').on('click', '#contact-submit', function() { SendMail(contact_us_email); }); function setCurrentStoreDetails($targetStoreElem) { setTimeout(function(){ if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-tel').html()==""){ jQuery('#info-tel').css('display','none'); if(jQuery('#info-tel').is(":visible")) { jQuery('#info-tel').css('display','none'); } } else { jQuery('#info-tel').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-description').html()==""){ jQuery('#info-description').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-description').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-contactus').html()==""){ jQuery('.store-contact-us').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('.store-contact-us').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-operating-hours').html()==""){ jQuery('.info-operatinghour').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('.info-operatinghour').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-website').html()=="" || $targetStoreElem.find('.store-website').html()=='' || $targetStoreElem.find('.store-website').html()==''){ jQuery('#info-website').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-website').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-exturl').html()=="" || $targetStoreElem.find('.store-exturl').html()=='' || $targetStoreElem.find('.store-exturl').html()==''){ jQuery('#info-exturl').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-exturl').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-email').html()=="" || $targetStoreElem.find('.store-email').html()==''){ jQuery('#info-email').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-email').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-fax').html()==""){ jQuery('#info-fax').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-fax').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-zip').html()==""){ jQuery('#info-zip').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-zip').css('display','block'); } if($targetStoreElem.find('.store-state').html()==""){ jQuery('#info-state').css('display','none'); } else { jQuery('#info-state').css('display','block'); } },200); jQuery('.info__toggler').addClass('actives'); jQuery('.info__toggler').removeClass('is-toggled'); jQuery('.info__toggler-contents').removeClass('is-toggled'); jQuery('div[title="Exit Street View"]').trigger('click'); var _store = { storeimage : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-image').html(), location : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-location').html(), custmmarker : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-custom-marker').html(), address : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-address').html(), website : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-website').html(), exturl : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-exturl').html(), embedvideo : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-embedvideo').html(), defaultmedia : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-defaultmedia').html(), email : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-email').html(), contactus : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-contactus').html(), telephone : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-tel').html(), fax : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-fax').html(), description : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-description').html(), operatingHours : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-operating-hours').html(), productsServices : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-products-services').html(), directions : $targetStoreElem.find('.infobox__cta').attr('href'), streetview : $targetStoreElem.find('.infobox__stv').attr('href'), zip : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-zip').html(), state : $targetStoreElem.find('.store-state').html() }; var custm=''; var custm=_store.custmmarker; if(_store.defaultmedia=='image' || _store.defaultmedia==''){ if(_store.storeimage!=''){ var splitstr = _store.storeimage.split("/"); var ori_img = splitstr[splitstr.length-1]; var imgpath = ''; for(i=0;i'; //console.log(atob(_store.embedvideo)); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('div .info-img').css('background-image','url("")'); jQuery('div .info-img').css('height','250px'); jQuery('div .info-img').html(video); var jQueryallVideos = jQuery("iframe[src^='http']"); jQueryallVideos.each(function() { jQuery(this) .data('aspectRatio', this.height / this.width) // and remove the hard coded width/height .removeAttr('height') .removeAttr('width'); }); var newWidth = "100%"; jQueryallVideos.each(function() { var jQueryel = jQuery(this); jQueryel .width(newWidth) .height(newWidth); }); },200); } else { jQuery('div .info-img').html(''); jQuery('div .info-img').css('background-image','url("")'); jQuery('#storeLocatorInfobox').children('div .info-img').unbind(); jQuery('div .info-img').css('height','0px'); setTimeout(imgToggleH, 200); } } if(_store.contactus!='') { contact_us_email=_store.contactus; } /** * If there is already a Current Store displayed, revert its pin * back to the inactive state. **/ if(typeof map.markers.stores.current !== 'undefined' && map.markers.stores.current !== null) { map.markers.stores.current.set('labelClass', map.markers.stores.current.originalLabelClass); if(lastid!='') { map.markers.stores.current.setIcon(lastid); } else { map.markers.stores.current.setIcon(urls.pathToIcons + urls.pins.regular); } map.markers.stores.current.setZIndex(map.markers.stores.current.originalZIndex); } /** * Update the current store marker, and set it to an active state by: * (1) changing its visual so it stands out, and * (2) setting its z-index so it is always on top * If the store has no coordinates, then it will not have a * storeMarker. So check for that first before proceeding. **/ map.markers.stores.current = $'storeMarker'); var thereIsCurrentStore = (typeof map.markers.stores.current !== 'undefined' && map.markers.stores.current !== null); if(thereIsCurrentStore) { map.markers.stores.current.set('labelClass', map.markers.stores.current.originalLabelClass + ' is-active'); if(custm!='') { lastid=custm; jQuery('.gmnoprint').children('img').unbind(); map.markers.stores.current.setIcon(custm); } else { lastid=''; map.markers.stores.current.setIcon(urls.pathToIcons +; /* (1) */ } map.markers.stores.current.setZIndex(999); /* (2) */ setMapCenter(map.markers.stores.current.position); } /** * Make the currently selected store stand out in the list. **/ $els.storeList.find('.store-locator__infobox').removeClass('is-active'); $targetStoreElem.addClass('is-active'); /* Open the map infobox on medium screens and above */ if(isMediumScreen) { if(thereIsCurrentStore) {, map.markers.stores.current); } else { var mapCenter = map.self.getCenter(), fauxMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ position : mapCenter });, fauxMarker); } } /* Populate the details to the Current Store */ var infoboxArray = [$els.storeLocatorInfoBox, $els.mobileStoreLocatorInfobox]; while(infoboxArray.length) { infoboxArray[0].self.toggleClass('store-locator__infobox--no-pointer', !thereIsCurrentStore); infoboxArray[0].location.html(_store.storeimage); infoboxArray[0].location.html(_store.location); infoboxArray[0].address.html(_store.address); infoboxArray[0].website.html(; infoboxArray[0].exturl.html(_store.exturl); infoboxArray[0].email.html(; infoboxArray[0].telephone.html(_store.telephone); infoboxArray[0].fax.html(_store.fax); infoboxArray[0].description.html(_store.description); infoboxArray[0].operatingHours.html(_store.operatingHours); infoboxArray[0].productsServices.html(_store.productsServices); infoboxArray[0].zip.html(; infoboxArray[0].state.html(_store.state); if(_store.directions) { infoboxArray[0].directions.attr('href', _store.directions); infoboxArray[0].directions.css('display', ''); } else { infoboxArray[0].directions.hide(); } if(_store.streetview) { infoboxArray[0].streetview.attr('href', _store.streetview); infoboxArray[0].streetview.css('display', ''); } else { infoboxArray[0].streetview.hide(); } infoboxArray.shift(); } $els.mobileStoreLocatorInfobox.self.addClass('is-shown'); /* * On large screens, scroll the window so that the map is at the center of * the window. On small screens, scroll the window so that the search bar * is at the top of the window. */ if(scroll_setting=='0'){ if(isLargeScreen) { jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:jQuery('#mainContent').offset().top-scroll_to_top}, 'fast'); } else if(isMediumScreen || thereIsCurrentStore) { jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:jQuery('#mainContent').offset().top}, 'fast'); } else { jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:jQuery('#mainContent').offset().top}, 'fast'); } }else if(scroll_setting=='1'){ jQuery("html,body").animate({scrollTop:0}, 'fast'); } } function setMainMapMarker(latLng, markerTitle) { setMapCenter(latLng, true); if(typeof map.markers.user.self !== 'undefined') map.markers.user.self.setMap(null); map.markers.user.self = new MarkerWithLabel({ position: latLng, map: map.self, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, title: markerTitle, zIndex: 98, icon: urls.pathToIcons + urls.pins.skeuomorph }); google.maps.event.removeListener(map.markers.user.clicker); map.markers.user.clicker = google.maps.event.addListener(map.markers.user.self, 'click', function() { setMapCenter(map.markers.user.self.getPosition()); }); } function setMapCenter(latLng, fitBounds) { _map = map.self; if(ssf_wp_map_code!="" && ssf_wp_map_code!=undefined) { _map.setOptions({styles: ssf_wp_map_code}); } else { if(style_map_color!=""){ var styles = [ { stylers: [ { hue: style_map_color }, { saturation: 0 }, { lightness: 50 }, { gamma: 1 }, ] } ]; _map.setOptions({styles: styles}); } } _map.setCenter(latLng); if(isLargeScreen && ssf_pan_by_map=='true') _map.panBy(-100, 0); if(_map.getZoom() < 13 && fitBounds !== true) _map.setZoom(14); } function translateIntoLetter(index) { if(index < 26) { switch(index) { case 0: return 'A'; break; case 1: return 'B'; break; case 2: return 'C'; break; case 3: return 'D'; break; case 4: return 'E'; break; case 5: return 'F'; break; case 6: return 'G'; break; case 7: return 'H'; break; case 8: return 'I'; break; case 9: return 'J'; break; case 10: return 'K'; break; case 11: return 'L'; break; case 12: return 'M'; break; case 13: return 'N'; break; case 14: return 'O'; break; case 15: return 'P'; break; case 16: return 'Q'; break; case 17: return 'R'; break; case 18: return 'S'; break; case 19: return 'T'; break; case 20: return 'U'; break; case 21: return 'V'; break; case 22: return 'W'; break; case 23: return 'X'; break; case 24: return 'Y'; break; case 25: return 'Z'; break; } } else { return '' + (index-25); } } function distanceAscendingSorter(a, b) { var distA = a.distance, distB = b.distance; if(distA === 'nope') distA = 9999999; if(distB === 'nope') distB = 9999999; return (distA - distB); } function sortordAscendingSorter(a, b) { var distA = a.sortord, distB = b.sortord; if(distA === 'nope') distA = 9999999; if(distB === 'nope') distB = 9999999; return (distA - distB); } /* Function to get the distance between two sets of Google LatLng objects. */ function distHaversine(p1, p2) { var R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km var dLat = rad( -; var dLong = rad(p2.lng() - p1.lng()); var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.cos(rad( * Math.cos(rad( * Math.sin(dLong/2) * Math.sin(dLong/2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); var d = R * c; return d.toFixed(3); } /* Convert unit to radian */ function rad(x) { return x*Math.PI/180; } function getText($obj) { if(!$obj.length) return ''; return jQuery.trim($obj.text()); } function locationNotAvailable() { map.status.notify({ message : 'notAllowedUserLocation', closeable : true }); jQuery(''+ssfContinueAnyway+'') .appendTo(map.status.$label) .on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); map.status.conceal(); }); map.status.$label.append('|'); jQuery(''+ssfShareLocation+'') .appendTo(map.status.$label) .on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault();; }); } }; function setupMapStatus() { jQuery.extend(map.status, { /* * Possible settings: map.status.notify({ message: (String), closeable: (Implicit Boolean), loadingIndicator: (Implicit Boolean), autoclose: (Implicit Boolean) }); * All can be included/excluded as necessary. */ notify : function(settings) { var self = this; clearTimeout(self.timer); if(settings.message) { var statusMessage = self.messages[settings.message] || settings.message; self.$label.find('a').off(); self.$label.html(statusMessage); } self.$el.toggleClass('is-loading', Boolean(settings.loadingIndicator)); self.$el.toggleClass('is-closeable', Boolean(settings.closeable)); self.reveal(); if(settings.autoclose) { self.timer = setTimeout(function() { self.conceal(); }, self.duration); } }, reveal : function() { var $statusEl = this.$el, targetHeight; if($statusEl.hasClass('is-shown')) return; $statusEl.css('height', 'auto'); targetHeight = $statusEl.height(); $statusEl .css('height', '') .addClass('is-shown'); setTimeout(function() { $statusEl .off( .on(, function() { jQuery(this) .off( .removeClass('is-transitionable') .css('height', 'auto'); }) .addClass('is-transitionable') .css('height', targetHeight + 'px'); }, 5); }, conceal : function() { var $statusEl = map.status.$el; $statusEl .css('height', $statusEl.height()) .removeClass('is-shown'); setTimeout(function() { $statusEl .off( .on(, function() { jQuery(this) .off( .removeClass('is-transitionable'); }) .addClass('is-transitionable') .css('height', ''); }, 5); } }); } }); /**.** Open hour toogle code here **.**/ jQuery(".info__toggler").on("click", function(e){ var id=; if (jQuery('#'+id).hasClass('actives')) { jQuery('.info__toggler').addClass('actives'); jQuery('#'+id).removeClass('actives'); } else{ jQuery('.info__toggler').addClass('actives'); } }) /**.**/ function streetView(lat,lng){ if(scroll_setting=='0'){ jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:jQuery('#mainContent').offset().top-scroll_to_top}, 'fast'); }else if(scroll_setting=='1'){ jQuery("html,body").animate({scrollTop:0}, 'fast'); } // street view street = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(document.getElementById("storeLocatorMap"), { position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng), zoomControl: false, enableCloseButton: true, addressControl: false, panControl: true, linksControl: true }); } var base64 = {}; base64.PADCHAR = '='; base64.ALPHA = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; base64.makeDOMException = function() { // sadly in FF,Safari,Chrome you can't make a DOMException var e, tmp; try { return new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR); } catch (tmp) { // not available, just passback a duck-typed equiv // // var ex = new Error("DOM Exception 5"); // ex.number and ex.description is IE-specific. ex.code = ex.number = 5; = ex.description = "INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR"; // Safari/Chrome output format ex.toString = function() { return 'Error: ' + + ': ' + ex.message; }; return ex; } } base64.getbyte64 = function(s,i) { // This is oddly fast, except on Chrome/V8. // Minimal or no improvement in performance by using a // object with properties mapping chars to value (eg. 'A': 0) var idx = base64.ALPHA.indexOf(s.charAt(i)); if (idx === -1) { throw base64.makeDOMException(); } return idx; } base64.decode = function(s) { // convert to string s = '' + s; var getbyte64 = base64.getbyte64; var pads, i, b10; var imax = s.length if (imax === 0) { return s; } if (imax % 4 !== 0) { throw base64.makeDOMException(); } pads = 0 if (s.charAt(imax - 1) === base64.PADCHAR) { pads = 1; if (s.charAt(imax - 2) === base64.PADCHAR) { pads = 2; } // either way, we want to ignore this last block imax -= 4; } var x = []; for (i = 0; i < imax; i += 4) { b10 = (getbyte64(s,i) << 18) | (getbyte64(s,i+1) << 12) | (getbyte64(s,i+2) << 6) | getbyte64(s,i+3); x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10 >> 16, (b10 >> 8) & 0xff, b10 & 0xff)); } switch (pads) { case 1: b10 = (getbyte64(s,i) << 18) | (getbyte64(s,i+1) << 12) | (getbyte64(s,i+2) << 6); x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10 >> 16, (b10 >> 8) & 0xff)); break; case 2: b10 = (getbyte64(s,i) << 18) | (getbyte64(s,i+1) << 12); x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10 >> 16)); break; } return x.join(''); } base64.getbyte = function(s,i) { var x = s.charCodeAt(i); if (x > 255) { throw base64.makeDOMException(); } return x; } base64.encode = function(s) { if (arguments.length !== 1) { throw new SyntaxError("Not enough arguments"); } var padchar = base64.PADCHAR; var alpha = base64.ALPHA; var getbyte = base64.getbyte; var i, b10; var x = []; // convert to string s = '' + s; var imax = s.length - s.length % 3; if (s.length === 0) { return s; } for (i = 0; i < imax; i += 3) { b10 = (getbyte(s,i) << 16) | (getbyte(s,i+1) << 8) | getbyte(s,i+2); x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 >> 18)); x.push(alpha.charAt((b10 >> 12) & 0x3F)); x.push(alpha.charAt((b10 >> 6) & 0x3f)); x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 & 0x3f)); } switch (s.length - imax) { case 1: b10 = getbyte(s,i) << 16; x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 >> 18) + alpha.charAt((b10 >> 12) & 0x3F) + padchar + padchar); break; case 2: b10 = (getbyte(s,i) << 16) | (getbyte(s,i+1) << 8); x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 >> 18) + alpha.charAt((b10 >> 12) & 0x3F) + alpha.charAt((b10 >> 6) & 0x3f) + padchar); break; } return x.join(''); } function ssf_ifrane_vedio(){ var jQueryallVideos = jQuery("iframe[src^='http']"); jQueryallVideos.each(function() { jQuery(this) .data('aspectRatio', this.height / this.width) .removeAttr('height') .removeAttr('width'); }); var newWidth = "100%"; jQueryallVideos.each(function() { var jQueryel = jQuery(this); jQueryel .width(newWidth) .height(newWidth); }); } /* pagination code here */ var number_of_pages; function pagging(ssf_pagination){ var show_per_page = ssf_pagination; var number_of_items = jQuery('#storeLocator__storeList').children().size(); number_of_pages = Math.ceil(number_of_items/show_per_page); jQuery('#current_page').val(0); jQuery('#show_per_page').val(show_per_page); jQuery('#storeLocator__currentStoreCount').html(number_of_items); if(number_of_pages>1) { var navigation_html = '    '+ssf_prev_label+''; var current_link = 0; while(number_of_pages > current_link){ navigation_html += ''; current_link++; } navigation_html += ''+ssf_next_label+'    '; 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