Apr 30, 2020 | Campaigns, Paragliders
With the AGILITY SYSTEM you can easily switch between two brake line geometries. In “Comfort-Mode” the inner wing is more strongly articulated, while in “Sport-Mode” the outer wing is more strongly articulated. As a result, the glider reacts differently to...
Apr 22, 2020 | Campaigns, Paragliders
The flyOVERLAND series finally continues! Paul Guschlbauer skywalk Instagram skywalk...
Mar 30, 2020 | Campaigns, Paragliders
Regardless of whether the MESCAL6 is flown in « Comfort Mode » or « Sport Mode », the brakes respond smoothly in the ideal working range for beginners and leisure pilots. The control pressure increases progressively...
Mar 19, 2020 | Non classifié(e), Top-News
Dear skywalk PilotsWe are all currently in a highly unusual, unprecedented situation.Due to the COVID-19 virus crisis, we feel called upon to act accordingly, which is why many of our employees are currently working from their home offices. To carry out business...
Mar 10, 2020 | Paragliders
Compared to its predecessor the new MESCAL has easier launch behaviour due to lower overshooting tendency. Preparation for launch is now even easier with the new line setup. More information about the MESCAL6 in the next video. skywalk Instagram skywalk...