CHILI4 size XS also certified EN: B!

CHILI4 size XS also certified EN: B!

We are happy to announce that after the sizes S & M now the CHILI4 XS has been certified EN: B as well! First shipments will be processed beginning of December. In general we are now very confident with the results of the CHILI4 as some of the first outcomes show....
Burkhard Martens flies 411 km on CHILI4!

Burkhard Martens flies 411 km on CHILI4!

Personal Best You can always count on Burkhard Martens to set a new record.  On his second flight with the new CHILI4, Burki topped his old personal best.   When Burkhard kites his glider on a good flying day, there’s a good chance that he will set yet another...
Paul & Stephan announced for RedBull X-ALPS 2017!

Paul & Stephan announced for RedBull X-ALPS 2017!

skywalk paragliders at X-ALPS 2017.   Our team pilots Paul Guschlbauer and Stephan Gruber have been announced for nex years X-ALPS 2017! The two pleasant austrians competed in the 2015 version and are both very hot for the title. Paul got 3rd in 2015 and surely...
CHILI4 certified in S & M

CHILI4 certified in S & M

Dear CHILI fans, We are delighted to inform you that the first two sizes small (S) and medium (M) of the CHILI4 have been certified in the EN:B category! We are extremely satisfied with the glider as we realize that, after a long development period, we have set yet...