2+2 Guarantee

skywalk offers an additional warranty that goes beyond the minimum required by law.

The skywalk 2+2 Guarantee covers material or workmanship defects and applies to all LTF/EN authorized, privately used equipment. Professionally used gliders (training or professional tandem wings) are excluded from this guarantee.

No warranty claim is available for:

  • normal wear and tear
  • insufficient maintenance
  • improper storage
  • treatment or handling with chemicals of any kind
  • accidents or purposefully crashing into obstacles
  • any behaviour which is purposefully damaging to the glider

In order to activate the guarantee, the customer has to complete the web-form within 14 days after purchase. In case of damage, the glider should be sent to skywalk at the customers expense with a copy of the sales contract. Guarantee decisions and guarantee repair will be carried out exclusively by skywalk. If a guarantee is warranted, skywalk will carry out all decisions regarding repair, parts exchange or product replacement (possibly with discount- new for your old glider). The guarantee is valid until 2 years after the date of purchase. If a complete glider check is performed within two years of purchase, by skywalk or by a skywalk authorized check center according to rigorous skywalk guidelines, then skywalk will extend the 2+2 Guarantee for two more years, to a 4 year guarantee.

Here you reach your skywalk dealer.

2+2 Guarantee form

Register your glider online: fill out, submit…done!

*Required field

I agree that skywalk may store my data in accordance with the Data Protection Act

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