Testival Dates – Test the best

Have you always wanted to test the latest skywalk equipment, but haven’t had the opportunity yet? Then drop by one of the many testivals near you! Test our paragliders and harnesses and contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help you put together your ideal equipment.


You can use the calendar below to quickly and easily view all current events. For detailed information on the individual testivals, please visit the organisers’ websites.



We look forward to the new season with you!

Testival Dates – Test the best

Have you always wanted to test the latest skywalk equipment? Then drop by one of the many testivals near you! Test our paragliders and harnesses and contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help you put together your ideal equipment.


You can use the calendar below to quickly and easily view all current events. For detailed information on the individual testivals, please visit the organisers’ websites.



We look forward to the new season with you!