For highest demands… The LTF/EN D certified POISON X-ALPS is the ultimate XC machine, created for pilots with highest demands. Our serial comp wing let experienced XC pilots keep a cool head in difficult conditions to squeeze the maximum out of the day....
TONKA2 rocks the Red Bull Dolomitenmann

TONKA2 rocks the Red Bull Dolomitenmann

The TONKA2 has established itself as the winning glider at the worlds toughest team competition in the outdoor scene. All of the top ten athletes flew our miniwing, which in 2015 claimed eight of the top ten spots just a week after its introduction. Christian Maurer,...
Goran Djurkovic wins Accuracy World Cup 2016

Goran Djurkovic wins Accuracy World Cup 2016

Getting to the point.   After four events with a total of 17 (!) rounds, the Accuracy World Cup 2016 in Taiwan ended on August 12th. Thanks to his consistent performance, the overall winner was skywalk team pilot Goran Djurkovic. The friendly Serb prevailed...

Video – Cielo y Tierra project – In 50 days through Colombia

Through Central America by paraglider and horse Kira Bühlhoff and Marja Seidel are fully committed to science.  Additional interests of the ocologist and the astrophysicist include horses and paragliders – so what better idea than to combine these two passions!  The...
X-Pyr 2016

X-Pyr 2016

X-Pyr 2016 started again last sunday! Now it means to cross the Pyrenees as quick as possible. skywalk teampilots Adrian Keller and Ivan Colás are competing!   This way to Adrian´s blog! We wish all competitors good luck! Stay safe! stay up do date!    More...