Jun 18, 2019 | Aktionen, Events, Gleitschirme, Gurtzeuge, Testivals, Wettkampf
It’s neck and neck at the front with the veteran five-time champion up against the young French rookie flying in the tricolour. They started the day together on the northern side of the Zillertal Alps and by close of play they looked as if they were going to end it...
Jun 18, 2019 | Aktionen, Events, Gleitschirme, Gurtzeuge, Wettkampf
Athletes are storming through the course line this afternoon, with at least a dozen making Turnpoint 3, Aschau – Chiemsee before 4pm.Leading the pack was Chrigel Maurer (SUI1) and Paul Guschlbauer (AUT1), who landed, signed in, and then set off for the top of the...
Jun 17, 2019 | Events, Gleitschirme, Gurtzeuge, Wettkampf
skywalk Instagramskywalk Youtubeskywalk...
Jun 14, 2019 | Aktionen, Events, Wettkampf
skywalk Instagramskywalk Facebookskywalk...
Jun 14, 2019 | Aktionen, Events, Gleitschirme, Gurtzeuge, Wettkampf
Der Prolog zu den diesjährigen Red Bull X-Alps war heiß! Ergebnisse der skywalk Athleten: Platz 4 – Paul Guschlbauer Platz 5 – Tobi Grossrubatscher Platz 6 – Simon Oberrauner Platz 7 – Markus Anders Platz 21 – Eduardo Garza...