Jan 26, 2022 | Paragliders, Top-News
UpdateWith the launch of the CHILI5, we presented our new wing design for the first time and with great feedback. In addition to new products that will be released in 2022, we are also pleased to be able to deliver our existing wings MESCAL6 and ARAK AIR in the new...
Dec 23, 2021 | 20 Years, Top-News
The dream of flying is as old as humanity itself. We paragliders have the great privilege of being able to fulfill this dream again and again with little effort. With a lot of passion and years of know-how, we develop products, tell stories and after 20 years of...
Dec 21, 2021 | Campaigns, Paragliders, Top-News
Adventure: “An unusual and exciting or daring experience.” The ARAK AIR combines the concept of the ARAK with the technology of our X-ALPS wings and makes it the perfect companion for all kinds of adventures. If you want to fly adventures like the X-Alps...
Dec 16, 2021 | 20 Years, Top-News
The head of skywalk paragliders. The 52-year-old has been in the paragliding business for almost three decades, but he is not a bit tired yet. You can say his motivation increases at the same time with experience. Arne is never too busy for any job and always gives...
Dec 9, 2021 | 20 Years, Top-News
Setting new standards… With the release of the CAYENNE6 we were using our new developed TX-Light-Cloth for the first time. The cloth has truly outstanding properties. The TX-Light (TX stands for Triple-X) is based on the extremely aging-resistant X-Light...